Diagram of bus-stops

working days Monday to Friday

Route A/3719 Right Bank of the Nervion River to Vitoria-Gasteiz
Origin ALGORTA-Algorta avenue 74 (Petrol station)
ALGORTA-Venancios 1-Bizkaibus 3451 (Bidezabal)
ALGORTA-Los Chopos avenue no. 93
ALGORTA-Los Chopos avenue no. 51-Fadura
AREETA-LAS ARENAS-Bizkaibus 4187 (Church)
ROMO-Avanzada road no. 28-Bizkaibus 4167
LEIOA-Iparragirre avenue no. 62 (Elezalde Sakoeta)
VITORIA-GASTEIZ-Gasteiz avenue no. 19
VITORIA-GASTEIZ-University-Aguirre Miramón street
Route A/3719 Right Bank of the Nervion River to Vitoria-Gasteiz
Origin VITORIA-GASTEIZ University (Aguirre Miramón)
VITORIA-GASTEIZ-Gasteiz avenue no. 18 at (Court House -Juzgados)
LEIOA-Iparragirre in front of 64/66-Civic Centre
ROMO-Asua-La Avanzada road no. 11
AREETA/LAS ARENAS avenue no. 9
ALGORTA-Algorta avenue no. 74 (Petrol station)
ALGORTA-Bidezabal 74 – crossroads
ALGORTA-Venancios-Bizkaibus 3451
ALGORTA-Makaleta/Los Chopos avenue no. 93, Fadura
ALGORTA-Makaleta/Los Chopos avenue no. 51

** The times that buses arrive at the stops are approximate so the bus company recommends you to be at the stop some minutes before the time indicated.

Timetables and fares

Routes Company Rates
Right Bank > Vitoria-Gasteiz – Winter La Unión, S.A PDF

Buy in advance

For the bus going in the direction Vitoria-Gasteiz destination Gallarta or any of the bus-stops en route you can get your ticket in advance at the ticket office of Termibus Station or Vitoria-Gasteiz Bus Station. It is not possible to get your ticket in advance travelling from Gallarta, or any of the bus-stops en route, to Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Season tickets

The following season tickets are available with significant discounts:

Channels and forms of payment

  • On the bus. If you get on at bus-stops that are not bus stations, you can buy your ticket from the driver or swipe the season ticket on the machine in the bus. Only cash payment is accepted on the bus, which must be made with banknotes under €20.
  • Via the webpage. www.autobuseslaunion.com. In the section FAQs we inform you of the steps to be taken and the fees payable. Payment can only be made by credit card.
  • In ticket-offices of the Termibus station in BILBAO, the bus station in VITORIA-GASTEIZ and the ticket office of Burundesa in PAMPLONA bus station. Payment is accepted in cash and by credit card. See timetables and location of points of sale.
  • In Ticket Vending machines situated in Termibus and Vitoria-Gasteiz bus station. Payment is accepted in cash and by credit card. You can also use the bidaide and 20-trip season tickets. See details in frequently asked questions on how to buy a ticket at a vending machine.