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ALAVABUS-Sunday 23/03/2025-AIARAKO BIRA-Amurrio

20 March, 2025 Comments Off

On the occasion of the 4th stage of the Aiarako bira, which is celebrated next day 23/03/2025 in the village of Amurrio, between 10:30h and 12:00. Local police confirm that an alternative step will be taken up to a few minutes before the start and end of the cycle race. During the test the passage

Deusto and Sarriko stops Thursday 13/03/2025

13 March, 2025 Comments Off

Today, Thursday 13-03-2025, due to the match of Athletic – Rome at 18:45h and to the roadblocks that will take place in Bilbao, the following expeditions departing from Leioa UPV will not pass through Deusto and Sarriko, and will go directly to the Intermodal (respecting their transit time through it). We regret the inconvenience caused

Stop change in Ribabellosa by III Medieval Market from 14 to 16 March

11 March, 2025 Comments Off

On the occasion of the celebration of the III Medieval Market, the Alavabus and Comarcal Transport stop in Ribabellosa moved to the intersection of the C/ Melledes with the C/ Francisco Manuel de Echanove on 14, 15 and 16 March.

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  • 2018-12-31

    Aldaketak Bilbo-Gasteiz eta Leioa(EHU)-Gasteiz lineetan San Silvestre Lasterketa dela eta

    San Silvestre lasterketa dela eta, Bilbo-Gasteiz linearen ordutegiak 16:00 eta 17:00 izango dira. Leioa (EHU)-Gasteiz linean ordutegia 15:55 izango da. Bakarrik Lakuan gelditzen da, ez dira egongo geralekuak ez epaitegietan ez unibertsitatean.

  • 2018-12-31

    Gaurko ordutegiak, abenduaren 31, Gasteiz-Bilbo eta Gasteiz-Gallarta lineetan

    Gaurko ordutegiak Gasteiz-Bilbo linean: 17:15, 17:45, 18:00. Gasteiz-Gallarta linean: 17:00 eta 18:00 Ez diraa egongo geltokirik ez unibertsitatean ezta epaitegietan.

  • 2018-12-26

    Anulada la parada de Bidezabal en la línea Getxo-Vitoria Vitoria-Getxo

    En la Línea Getxo-Vitoria y Vitoria-Getxo queda anulada la parada de Bidezabal por cortes al tráfico desde el 26/12/2018 al 04/01/2019.